
Monday 5 May 2014

Adventures in shrink plastic....merbabes

Well I know its been an age since I last posted, but you guys kinda took me by surprise. I'd been threatening to open an Etsy shop for ages, and honestly jewellery was the last thing on my list to make or sell!
So after a lot of experimentation I put five items on sale just to see what the response would be. Four days later to my absolute amazement I sold something!! One Facebook status update later and I'd sold the lot!

So its taken me a while to get things back on track, but back on track I am. But before I go off on one about the new stuff I just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me. whether you shared a link on facebook, bought an item from the shop, or just said 'that's pretty' , thank you.

Its taken such a lot to put my stuff out there, so the fact that people like this stuff enough to buy it means so much. But enough with that on to the new stuff.
For this your going to need to channel your inner mermaid, or as I'm calling this little lot Merbabes.

First up, you guessed it a mermaid.

Clam shells or,  as I like to call them, mermaid bras. these have been done on frosted shrink plastic which works really well as it gives them a sea glass look.

Ombre seahorse.

All items are for sale in the Etsy shop now along with my other collection 'Rockabilly radness'. So hop on over and take a look, and don't forget if you like what you see follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for regular updates and sneak peeks.

Vicky xx

Sunday 9 February 2014

Adventures in Shrink long last

So the exciting news is at long last I finally have a Etsy shop!!!!!!

Yes I know its taken such a long time but I'm proud to say I've finally managed it.
So lets talk about what's in it. Well those who know me will probably already know that I am obsessed, just take a look at my Pinterest board, with the 1950s and rockabilly in particular. The whole thing, the clothes they wore, the cars, the clothes, the tattoos, the clothes and the hair! Don't even get me started with Bettie bangs!

So I decided that it would be nice to start with a small collection inspired by that, I'm calling it 'Rockabilly Radness'.
I was also aware that valentines Day is just around the corner and no valentines would be complete without some hearts and no rockabilly valentine would be complete without a traditional heart and scroll.

Another classic rockabilly staple is a swallow. This one is done in pastel pink and blue flying across a fluffy cloud. There are lots of meanings behind swallow tattoos but my favourite is that sailors used to get swallow tattoos as they believed that if they drowned the swallow would come down and lift his soul to the heavens. I also thinks its beautiful that swallows choose only one mate for life!

I don't know why but I always associate cherries with rockabilly, and I'm a sucker for anything in cherry print. So I knew I had to have some cherries in this. On their own they looked kinda weird so I put them on a striped star and now I'm really happy with how they look. In fact I wore this necklace out and received so many compliments!

Aaah my Birthday Girl brooch, when I first designed this back in September I did it with a tattoo/rockabilly style in mind. I wore it all day on my birthday and loved it. I have put this in the shop with an option to have it customised, so you can change the colours or have a name or something else written on it.

And last but not least glitter hearts. Now I know that this doesn't really fit into the rockabilly category but it does fit into the GLITTER category and who doesn't love a bit of that? and like I said I knew that valentines day was fast approaching.

So to celebrate the opening of my shop, the month of romance, and all things glittery I'm giving away one of these heart necklaces to one of you lucky people!!
Go to my facebook page, like the page, like and share the post

The winner will be drawn at random on Saturday 15th February

P.S I just want to say a massive thank you to my husband for his ace photography XX

Thursday 2 January 2014

The Home made year....Christmas 2013

Happy New year!! Did you all have a wonderful Christmas?? Are you full to the brim with turkey and mince pies?

How quickly it has flown by, so much preparation and its all over in a flash. But in all honesty I wouldn't change a single thing. I love this time of the year, its hard to choose between this and Halloween, and I enjoy the preparation as much as the day itself.

So needless to say I've made lots of things and rather than waffle on for ages I've put them into a visual collagey feast. So take a break from putting away the decs, grab that last mince pie and cast your eyes over this lot.............

Clockwise from left : countdown door hanger for Jacks room, which says Santa's been on the reverse, cupcakes with cinnamon butter cream.
 Flying reindeer applique blanket. Those that follow my facebook page will have seen this in the making.
Tulip decoupage card made with a kit by Papermania.
Cards made with digital stamps from Pink petticoat, and handmade sentiments.
Handmade Polar Express picture. I love the Polar Express and watch it on Christmas Eve every year, and yes the bell does still ring!
 My special Santa and reindeer that came home with me from Lapland last year.
Homemade gifts.
 Finnish piparkakut, gingerbread to you and me. We had this in Lapland last year and it was so lovely I knew I had to find a recipe for it, its different to our gingerbread as they use different ingredients and its much more spicy.
 Sweet chilli jam normally I make red pepper relish at Christmas but I'm told its not hot enough so I made this for a change.
Homemade mince pies and homemade apple and cinnamon ice cream. Those who follow me on Instagram will have seen this in its early stages, and I have to say its tastes amazing. Recipe courtesy of the icreamists.
Felt Christmas trees,
 yarn wreath,
 felt reindeer's, with button noses from nans button jar.
Jingle bell wreath with ribbon flower.
Close up of card made with digital stamps from pink petticoat.
So all that's left to say is have a fantastic new year I hope it brings you all you dream of, and don't forget in between blogposts you can always catch up with me on facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest by clicking on the links at the top of the page.