
Sunday 27 October 2013

Sew Sunday ; Easy Halloween blindfold and FREE pattern

Every year at our annual Halloween party we play a 'pin the something on the something' sort of game. Last year was pin the nose on the witch, the year before pin the bow tie on Mr bones, you get the idea, but every year we end up using a black woollen scarf as a blind fold, and as much as this works it looks a bit rubbish. so this year I set about putting that right...

here's how. I decided that I wanted to make the blindfold a cat face copying a design I drew for a brooch. So firstly I changed a pattern for a regular sleep mask by adding some ears and making it more cat like. You can download the pattern below. Just right click on the image and save then print off as A4.

Not the most professional pattern I know, but still, it works!

Cut out two cat shapes in black felt. One would probably be sufficient seeing as your adding eyes but I cut out two just to be sure the little monsters really cant see!!

cut out your eyes and nose shapes and pin into place on one piece of the black felt. Stitch over the eyes in straight lines. I used a straight stitch in black cotton but you can use any colour or stitch, I think a zig zag stitch would look cool, or you could hand sew it. I used a zig zag stitch to sew around the nose which was a bit fiddly so in hindsight it might be better to hand sew this bit.


Next you need to stitch your elastic onto the back of your black felt. I recommend doing this bit with a machine as you want the elastic to be secure when using the blindfold.

Then stitch the spare piece of felt to the back using a zig zag stitch around the edge. If your hand stitching I think a blanket stitch would be nice, and voila there you have it an easy peasy blindfold to play all your Halloween games.

 Seriously this took less than an hour and in my opinion looks way better than a woollen scarf tied around your head!! Don't forget to check to back for my home made year post to see what pin it game we are playing this year!
