
Monday 5 May 2014

Adventures in shrink plastic....merbabes

Well I know its been an age since I last posted, but you guys kinda took me by surprise. I'd been threatening to open an Etsy shop for ages, and honestly jewellery was the last thing on my list to make or sell!
So after a lot of experimentation I put five items on sale just to see what the response would be. Four days later to my absolute amazement I sold something!! One Facebook status update later and I'd sold the lot!

So its taken me a while to get things back on track, but back on track I am. But before I go off on one about the new stuff I just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me. whether you shared a link on facebook, bought an item from the shop, or just said 'that's pretty' , thank you.

Its taken such a lot to put my stuff out there, so the fact that people like this stuff enough to buy it means so much. But enough with that on to the new stuff.
For this your going to need to channel your inner mermaid, or as I'm calling this little lot Merbabes.

First up, you guessed it a mermaid.

Clam shells or,  as I like to call them, mermaid bras. these have been done on frosted shrink plastic which works really well as it gives them a sea glass look.

Ombre seahorse.

All items are for sale in the Etsy shop now along with my other collection 'Rockabilly radness'. So hop on over and take a look, and don't forget if you like what you see follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for regular updates and sneak peeks.

Vicky xx